Medicare Supplement Plans in Florida
Medigap Plans From Wenrick Insurance In Destin, Florida
At Wenrick Insurance Agency, we understand that finding the right Medicare Insurance coverage is complicated. Choosing the right Medicare supplements when necessary, which is yearly, can make the difference in whether or not you can afford the medical attention you need. Coverage changes when federal and local laws change. As you age, your personal coverage needs often change as well. Fortunately, Wenrick Insurance can help you look out for your best interest and help you make sense of all Medicare options, including Medigap Medicare Supplement plans.

What Is A Medicare Supplement Plan?
A Medigap policy, also known as Medicare Supplement Plan, is a private health insurance that helps supplement your Original Medicare policy. It does so by helping to pay for a portion of healthcare costs that your Original Medicare policy doesn’t cover. For example, copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles are sometimes referred to as “gaps” in Medicare coverage.
All Medigap policies must follow federal and state laws, which are designed to protect you. These laws, for example, make it mandatory for all policies to be clearly identified as “Medicare Supplement Insurance.” They also state that Medigap insurance companies can only sell you a “standardized” Medigap policy. In other words, Plan F is Plan F no matter who you buy it from, and Plan E is Plan E no matter who you buy it from.
Since the coverage is identical, the cost is one of the differences you need to consider when deciding which insurance company to choose. The price spread is so large that premiums can actually be double for the exact same coverage! Plus, premium rates are not always stable, and there is a chance of them rising in the future. For these reasons, it’s important to discuss your Medicare Supplement needs with an independent insurance agency like Wenrick Insurance who represents various companies and can help you find the best policy at the best rate for you.
Comparing Medicare Supplement Plans
You will be able to choose from up to 12 different standardized Medigap Supplement Plan policies. These include Medigap Plans A through L, with some states, including Florida having a high-deductible Plan F policy.
The most popular Medicare Supplement policy is Plan F because it provides the most comprehensive coverage. You must, however, make a tradeoff in cost as Plan F is the most expensive plan. Though, with the high-deductible Plan F option, the monthly premium is typically lower than other plans. Take a look at the chart below to see a comparison of the Medicare Supplement Plans.

Medigap Medicare Supplement Enrollment And Eligibility
You are eligible for Medigap insurance if you have both Medicare Parts A and B. The ideal time to enroll is during the Medigap open enrollment period (OEP). This period lasts six months and begins the first day of the month in which you are 65 or older and enrolled in Medicare Part B. So, if you turn 65 on April 5 but don’t join Medicare B until May 23, your Medigap OEP will start on June 1, which is the first day of the month in which you are both 65 and enrolled in Part B. If you wait until this period is over, you have to go through medical underwriting to determine whether you can enroll in a plan.
Complete Coverage For Your Golden Years With Medicare And Wenrick Insurance
By rule, there are no Medicare Supplement insurance plans sold today that cover prescription drugs. Medicare Part D drug plans must be purchased on a stand-alone basis and cannot be bundled with your Medicare supplement. It’s wise to shop for Part D drug plans independently of your Medicare supplement insurance to find the most suitable coverage based on your prescription medicine needs.
To have full-rounded healthcare with Medicare, you will need four policy types. The first two come when you enroll in Medicare Parts A & B with the government. The third is your purchase of a Medicare supplement (like Plans F, G, or N), and the fourth is your stand-alone Part D drug plan from a private insurance company. Two pieces come from the government, and two pieces come from private insurance companies and are offered by agencies like Wenrick Insurance. Once all four coverages are in place, you are set for excellent health coverage! Making risk a thing of the past.
For A Medicare Supplement Plan Offered In Your Area, Contact Wenrick Insurance Agency
With so many Medicare plans and options, sitting down with an experienced insurance professional can help you make an informed purchase. We help our Medigap clients shop and compare Supplement plans to find coverage that suits their needs. At Wenrick Insurance Agency of Destin, Florida, we have many years of experience in senior health plans. We can help you understand the different Medicare coverages and assist you with all your Medicare needs!
Medicare beneficiaries across the state of Florida rely on Wenrick Insurance for their Medicare insurance needs. Wenrick Insurance Agency is built on partnerships in coverage, serving all of Okaloosa County, Walton County, Holmes County, Washington County, Bay County, and the rest of Florida. If you’re ready to start a new partnership with a Medicare Supplement Medigap insurance agency that puts your needs above profits, call Wenrick Insurance Agency at (800) 431-7659 or contact us online. We look forward to serving you!
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